A Completely Guide On How To See Old Notifications On iPhone

On your iPhone's lock screen, notifications that have come up should stay there for a while. But eventually, they will go away. This guide will show you how to see old notifications on your iPhone. Let's explore with us!

Every day, we get millions of notifications on our phones. And when something essential happens, we accidentally delete it from the notifications bar. On the other hand, we might sometimes miss important notifications. Other devices don't have a way to look at old notifications.

But the iPhone does do that. This guide will show you how to see old notifications on your iPhone in 13 steps. Read this article carefully, and you'll find everything you need to know. 

How To See Old Notifications On Iphone

If you happen to miss any notifications, you can easily retrieve them. Follow these steps below to see old notifications on your iPhone:

Step 1: If the screen on your iPhone is off, you can turn it on by tapping it. It depends on what kind of iPhone you have, pressing the Power or Home button. 

Step 2: Swipe down on the lock screen of your iPhone to view a list of notifications. No Older Notifications will appear instead if there are no notifications to display. 

A list of notifications, support.apple

Step 3: Depending on how many pending notifications you have, you may see them all. Or they may be organized into groups based on the app from which they originated. 

Step 4: To access the Open button, tap on a notification, such as a text message.

Step 5: To open the connected app, tap Open. If your iPhone is locked, you must unlock it using your Face ID, TouchID, or password before proceeding. 

Step 6: Swipe left on an alert or a group of alerts to see the Options and Clear/Clear All buttons. 

Notifications quick actions, webtrickz.

Step 7: Tap Options to bring up a small menu where you can change the settings for the app that sent the notification. Also, you can use the app's menu to turn off notifications for the app or silence them. 

Step 8: To delete a group of notifications, tap Clear or Clear All. It depends on how many notifications are in that group. That will remove all notifications from your lock screen until new ones come in. But it won't change anything inside the app. It also won't change any badges that might show up on the app's icon to show that you have notifications. 

Clear notifications, techsolutions.support.

Step 9: If you want to get rid of your notifications at once, tap the X next to Notification Center. And then tap Clear All Notifications. That will eliminate any notifications already on your iPhone's lock screen. 

Step 10: Swipe down from the top left corner of the screen to see notifications when your phone is not locked. That will show you the lock screen on your iPhone, but it won't close your phone. 

Step 11: When you unlock your iPhone, the lock screen will show any notifications. 

Step 12: If there are no older notifications to display, the screen will display No Older Notifications instead. 

Step 13: You can do the same things with any available notifications. 


1. Why Do My Iphone Notifications Disappear?

You must examine the Notification Settings. The settings for notifications are wrong. So, the notifications can disappear from the lock screen. When this happens, you must go to Settings>>Notifications to ensure you can see everything you want. 

2. Do Iphone Notifications Expire?

However, the problem begins when you turn off the device for some time. The announcements appear again when the device is turned back on or when the notification is enabled. They should not do so because they have already passed their expiration date. 

3. What happens to push notifications?

Android alerts stay in the notification center until something is done about them. When Chrome users leave a screen where they have a web push notification, it goes away. To succeed, you must understand these subtle differences between devices and OS. A message isn't getting through because it's too long for the device. 

4. How long do messages on the lock screen stay there?

Persistent Notifications are different from regular notifications because they stay on the Lock screen of an iPhone until the user dismisses them or swipes them away. That will make sure that you don't miss any vital iPhone alerts.


Since everyone is increasingly interested in the iPhone, it is crucial to know how it works and what it can do. Even though the iPhone is a high-quality device compared to others, it is not any easier to use. If someone reads this article, they should have been able to scroll through all the options to figure out how to see old iPhone notifications.

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