An Unrivaled Guide on How to Write a Google Review on iPhone

Confused about how to write a Google review on iPhone? Our guidelines will help clear some clouds for you. Pull down to learn more!

Let's say you have just had a great evening at some amazing places. Now, you also want to recommend this terrific location to other users. But do you know how to write a Google review on iPhone? This article will show you the steps to do this.

Here is a quick summary: Go to Google Maps. > Search the place. > Rate it from one to five stars. > Write a review to explain your ratings. > Publish it.

If you want to quickly ascess to your Google Maps, read the article about How to Make Google Maps Default on iPhone for more details.

How to Write a Google Review on iPhone

The next section will give you step-by-step instructions for a better understanding. Keep scrolling for more!

Step 1: Navigate to Google Maps. The app resembles a standard map with white "G" letters. There is also a location pin in red color.

Step 2: Now tap its search bar. Where is this bar? It usually lies on the page's top. If you still cannot find it, look for the text "Search Google Maps".

Step 3: Type the name of your chosen location into this bar. Results for your search will pop up underneath. Press the most relevant results to you. 

What if your wanted results do not show up? Chances are there might be spelling mistakes. Check to see if you have misspelled anything.

Once you have confirmed the spelling is correct, try searching for another word. (remember to be specific!) You may insert a city after that location's name. Let's look at "Joe's Grill" as an example. We can see that this site is not specific enough. Adding more info, such as "Joe's Grill, IL, Springfield," might work.

Step 4: The location's name shows up at the screen's bottom. Tap on it. After that, the screen will shift vertically and present a photo. It will offer more info about this location. Another option is to tap that red pin near the name.

Step 5: Now keep scrolling to find five white stars. They are halfway across the page, beneath "Review Summary." The box will say, "Post publicly". 

Tap on one of these stars. A new window will turn up, whose top bears your username. (unless you have not signed in yet). 

Star ratings - Source: Wikipedia. 

What do these stars mean? They indicate rating levels. Of course, you can alter the number of stars after writing the review.

  • One star: You hated that place

  • Two stars: You disliked it

  • Three stars: The place was alright

  • Four stars: You liked it

  • Five stars: You are happy with this location.

Step 6: Now write your review! Tap the text box underneath the star review and start writing. Using your phone keyboard is enough.

The maximum capacity is 4000 characters. Any comment longer than that is not possible.


1. How Can I Write Google Reviews on Computers and Laptops?

Write reviews on computers - Source: Pxhere

Step 1: Open any browser you want. Navigate to Google Maps from here. Log in if you have not done that yet.

Step 2: Type the address into a search bar. This bar is at the top corner of the screen. Click "Search" and browse the results shown for your desired location. Another way is to click that location on your map!

Step 3: All info about your chosen location will appear on the window's left side. Keep scrolling till you reach the "Review Summary" area. Choose "Write Reviews". New windows will show up to let you write your thoughts.

Step 4: Similar to the iPhone, choose the number of stars. One star equates to the worst, and five stars mean the best.

In your review, give specific reasons for what you like (or dislike). Suppose you rate the place one or two stars. Then it is important to state one or two things you dislike about this place. On the contrary, five-star ratings call for reasons you love this business. 

Step 5: Once you have summed up what you like to write, type those into the box. Be concise and focused because Google has a 4000-character limit. Some pictures of that place will be a lovely addition! To add them, click the camera button to insert them into your reviews. 

Reread everything several times. Satisfied? Click "Post" to finish.

2. Is It Possible to Write An Anonymous Google Review?

Yes, but only in the past. Now, Google states that such reviews are no longer possible. The company even went as far as removing all anonymous reviews from the past. Any comment with no name attached also gets deleted. 

3. What Are Some Tips for Great Reviews?

Be relevant and authentic - Source: Pixabay

  • Be insightful and relevant. Never forget to supply reasons for any of your arguments.

  • Be authentic. Do not steal ideas from others. Review what you have experienced and explain the nature of the place.


This article has shown you how to write a Google review on iPhone. Remember our instructions, and do not forget to be relevant and insightful! Your info-rich review can be a lot of help to other users.

There are some other tips for Iphone users, see more:

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