How to Make Your Phone Talk When You Plug It in

You'll hear the unmistakable chime sound each time you connect your iPhone to a power source. It indicates that charging has commenced. The chime, however, cannot be turned off. After a successful connection, you can have Siri say whatever you want with iOS 14. Let's look at How to Make Your Phone Talk When You Plug It in.

iOS is chock-full of surprises. A user can use many hidden features in iOS to make their iPhone genuinely distinctive. When you plug your Apple iPhone into charge, one function makes Siri chat with you. With the release of iOS 14, the automation portion of the Shortcuts app has several new features. One of these other additions makes your phone talk when you plug it in. 

We'll teach you how to make your iPhone say something when you plug it in in this guide. To get Siri to talk, you'll need to set up charging automation. Let's have a look at how you can accomplish this.

How To Make Your Phone Talk When You Plug It In

Following these steps will allow you to have your device say what you want when you plug it into a power source.

  • Step 1:

Head to the "Automation" page in the Shortcuts app to get started. Then press the plus (+) sign followed by "Create Personal Automation." Tap "Create Personal Automation" instead if the plus (+) isn't displayed.

Step 1 - Crazeforgadgets

  • Step 2:

Step 2 - Crazeforgadgets

  • Step 3:

All you have to do now is add the action to your automation. Siri will speak anytime the device is plugged in (or disconnected from one). Then, in "Add Action" or the search bar, type "Speak." Under Actions, "Speak Text" should appear at the top of the list; select it to add the action.

Select whatever you want Siri to say when the automated runs by tapping the blue "Text" bubble in the Speak Text action box. You can make it as long or as short as you want. You can use either uppercase or lowercase letters. Capitalization does not affect Siri's speech. On the other hand, punctuation is crucial.

Step 3 - Crazeforgadgets

  • Step 4:

Once you've completed customizing your action, tap "Next". Turn off "Ask Before Running". Then, confirm with "Don't Ask" on the popup (or actions). Shortcuts eliminate the need to perform automation every time-triggered. Finally, click "Done" to finish the automation process.

Step 4 - Crazeforgadgets

  • Step 5:

Whether your iPhone is set to Silent or Ringer, you'll hear Siri speak whenever you connect to Power. A message will appear. It indicates that the automation is running, followed by whatever you typed. You can see the automation in action below when connecting to a Lightning cable plugged into a power adapter.

Requirements To Make Your Phone Talk When You Plug It In

Before you can figure out how to get your phone to say something when you plug it in, you must first understand the following:

  • iOS 14: This method uses a new automation feature called Shortcuts, which was introduced in iOS 14. iOS 13 isn't going to work.
  • You can reinstall the Shortcuts app from the App Store if you unintentionally deleted it.


1. Can You Ask Siri To Charge Your Phone?

If you request Siri to charge your phone, you can get in hot water with the cops. If you inform Siri to "charge my phone to 100%," it will contact emergency services. The Verge was the foremost to report the newly uncovered feature, an iOS glitch. The Daily News has validated the command, but don't attempt it at home.

2. How Do I Change The Charging Animation On My iPhone?

Reopen the Charging Play app once the automation has been generated and saved. Then select ''Replace animation'' from the drop-down menu. iPhone will display the options for customizing your animation. To select an option, tap it.

3. How Do You Tell If Your iPhone Is Charging When It's Off?

Make that your iPhone is connected to a power source, such as a wall socket, and that the charging is plugged in. Look for a large battery icon in the center of your blank screen. If the symbol only shows an empty battery, your iPhone is charging and will turn on shortly, as in the image above.


Above was a comprehensive guide on how to make your phone talk when you plug it in. All of this is possible because of the addition of new automation actions in iOS 14. If the needed shortcut isn't available, you can get it from the app store. The procedure is easy and works on all current iOS devices.