Complete Guide on How to Remove Bookmarks on Mac

There are a few basic tasks that everyone should be able to complete on a Mac. Here are some instructions for deleting bookmarks in various browsers on your MacBook.

The more you understand how to use your MacBook, from basic features to more advanced procedures, the better equipped you'll be to streamline your workflow and troubleshoot any problems.

We propose that everyone learn their MacBook's fundamental skills and popular commands. How to erase bookmarks on a Mac is a process you should be familiar with.

Although bookmarks are simple to make, not everyone understands how to remove them. Thus, let's see how to delete bookmarks in several of the most popular browsers.

  • Remove Bookmarks in Safari

  • Remove Bookmarks in Google Chrome

  • Remove Bookmarks in Firefox

How to Remove Bookmarks on Mac

One thing to keep in mind about bookmarks is that they are unique to your browser. Here, we'll look at how to erase bookmarks from Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome for Mac users.

Remove Bookmarks in Safari

Step 1: Open Safari on your Mac.

Safari on your Mac

Step 2: On the top-left side of the window, click the Sidebar symbol. This sidebar button opens all of the bookmarks you've saved to your browser. The icon is next to the forward and back buttons in your browser.

Step 3: While the sidebar is open, click the bookmark icon to see a list of all your current bookmarks. Then select Bookmarks from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Select the bookmark you want to erase and delete it using the right-click menu.

It's also pretty simple to erase links/pages listed under the Favorites section.

To delete a website or page, right-click it and select "Delete."

Another option is to go to the left-hand Bookmarks navigation bar and choose "Favorites." And then select the folders or individual sites you want to delete.

Remove Bookmarks in Google Chrome

Step 1: On your Mac, open Chrome.

Open Chrome

Step 2: From the top menu, select Bookmarks, then Bookmark Manager. There will be a new tab opened.

Step 3: Locate and delete the bookmark you want to remove. Select "Delete" from the three-dot menu.

Hold the Command key when selecting bookmarks. Then control-click and select Delete to delete many bookmarks at once in Chrome.

Remove Bookmarks in Firefox

Step 1: Open Firefox on your PC.

Open Firefox

Step 2: Select Bookmarks from the top menu, then Show All Bookmarks.

Step 3: A Library window will appear on the left side of your screen.

Step 4: Select Bookmarks from the Bookmarks Menu and find the bookmark you want to delete. Choose Delete.

Why Would You Want to Get Rid of Your Bookmarks?

There are various reasons why you would want to erase your bookmarks from your MacBook.

The most prevalent explanation is simply one of organization. You may no longer want to visit the website you bookmarked and hence no longer require it to be stored. It would help reduce clutter and unnecessary links in your bookmark toolbar. Then you delete bookmarks can help you stay organized with the bookmarks you want to keep.

Some people keep their bookmarks after creating them and never delete them. We like to keep things friendly and in order on my computer. So we go through it once a month and delete any unnecessary bookmarks.

What is The Size of a Bookmark?

Bookmarks take up very little room on your Macbook. They usually only save the URL of the webpage, not the contents. Given that the browser may slow down a little bookmarking as many web pages as possible isn't a problem. Bookmarks alone take up the space required to save the URL on your Macbook.

Your URL will take up 35 bytes of storage if it is 35 characters long. Similarly, if it's 80 characters long, it'll consume 80 bytes on your MacBook.


1. Will the page remain the same when I bookmark it and return to it?

It is not possible because a bookmark only remembers the location of a webpage. It is not its contents. By the time you return, the page's content may have changed.

2. How many bookmarks am I allowed to keep?

When it comes to bookmarking, there are no limitations. You can also bookmark thousands of web pages if you want to.

3. Why am I unable to remove bookmarks from Chrome?

Go to Chrome's Menu by clicking the hamburger or three vertical dots symbol to erase bookmarks. To see a list of all stored bookmarks, go to the Bookmarks area from here. Right-click the bookmark you want to get rid of and select "Delete."

How to Delete All Messages on Mac


Whether you're using Safari, Chrome, or Firefox, you now know how to remove bookmarks on your Mac.

Keep in mind that every web browser has its own set of bookmarks. You'll have to delete bookmarks from each one if you use more than one. Bookmarks will remain on your computer unless you delete them. So you can decide whether to delete them.